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I do have a small collection of vintage cameras,most bought or gifts from friends and family.They are not expensive,but the price is in the eye of the beholder:-)) Every now and then I use them to good results,especially the Weltix and Baldinette 35mm folders,but others bring their contribution too! Please enjoy a visit to the times of yore,when photography was a everybody hobby,and they were wondering how small the cameras get these days!
BALDA BALDINETTE Radionar 2.8/50,coated,flash sync,1-300+B,ProntorS
The regular Kodak Brownie 127 fitted with DAKON lenses.
My first folder,the good old Six-20 Kodak Junior Deluxe, 6.3/100 Anastigmat with KODON shutters, 25-100+T+B,f 6.3 to 32
This camera is like a dream in metal and plastic, PRINZ MASTERMATIC V mint condition,works incredibly sharp and beautiful meter still newlike,Prinz Anastigmat 1:2.8/f=45mm coated,
looks like a jewel and is one of my preferate cameras!
How could NOT have this one? Classic Brownie Junior 620,everybody has them:-)) Still a good user,and I use this camera now and then!
My preferate among 35mm vintage folders, WELTA WELTIX Steinheil Munchen Cassar 2.8/50,non coated, Compur shutter 1-300+B
ideal folder as my backup,on the same good line as Baldinette!